Portobello Mushroom Burgers from Allrecipes.com
Here are the mushroom caps and all our marinade ingredients! I washed the mushrooms and removed the gills because those creep me out. Mushrooms with gills. Like fish. Ew.
Since I was only making 2 burgers instead of 4, I cut the marinade down by half as well. I threw
soy sauce and worcestershire in there along with onion powder just
because I could. So there.
Here is a mushroom, happily sitting in its marinade. I let them sit for about 20 minutes while I ran around doing other things (laundry, cleaning). I love recipes that I can forget about - it's why I'm such great friends with my slow cooker.
Since I don't have a grill (shame) I ended up cooking these guys on the stove. I'm happy to report that they shrink as they cook so what starts out as a giant mushroom-zilla ends up being a rather manageable cap in the end. Sidenote: this recipe makes your house smell delicious. Seriously. My mouth was watering before the food was even done.
I also decided hey, why not grilled onions? and tossed those in with the provolone-covered patties. Mmmm. So good. They smelled like the ridiculously huge burgers you can get at the fair, that are like the size of your head. I love those burgers.
Viola - the finished product! I toasted the onion buns, whipped up an aioli sauce, sliced some pickles (seriously I have a thing for pickles... husband always jokes he'll never be able to tell if I'm pregnant because I already eat pickles with everything) and smothered it all in onions. Is there any way this burger could not be delicious? (The answer is no.) We ate these babies with a garden salad and baked potato, and I will totally be the first to admit I was surprisingly full coming away from a meal with no meat.
So this was pretty darned good, though as someone who was raised on beef burgers I have to say there is definitely a difference. But at only 200~ calories you're going to have a hard time going wrong with this. I think next time (read: tonight. We are a household that looooves leftovers) I'll cook them longer; I tried 40 minutes on the stove but the center was still very mushroomy (sides were really soft and easy to eat, though).